Saturday, October 4, 2008

Feeling OK...

The side effects have been very manageable today. I'm not feeling great, or even good, or even OK, really, but I'm not feeling particularly BAD, either. Just kind of "bleh." I'm quite tired, and food tastes/smells/looks really weird or really gross, but I'm keeping it down, with some effort! Water has tasted like chalk all day long. The anti-nausea pills work, but they make me dizzy. The dizziness has been the worst part, but it only really hits when my eyes are closed, strangely enough. Last night I had a really hard time going to sleep because of the dizziness.

Next week will be the first full week of classes I'll have gone to in about three weeks. It will be kind of good, but kind of lame at the same time. Sigh.


Kim said...

All things considered, you seem to be doing well. Let me know if you need help with anything. Cya tomorrow!

Andrea said...

Beat those classes into submission! Go Emily! Looking forward to seeing you soon! :D